• Астрономы обнаружили потенциально обитаемую планету «недалеко» от Земли (2 фото + видео)

    Астрономы обнаружили новую экзопланету HD 20794 d, классифицированную как суперземля и расположенную в 19,6 светового года от нас. Планета находится в обитаемой зоне своей звезды, что предполагает возможность наличия жидкой воды на её поверхности.
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  • NASA обнаружило «элементы жизни» в образцах астероида Бенну (2 фото)

    Учёные NASA проанализировали образцы, собранные с астероида Бенну в ходе миссии OSIRIS-REx, и нашли в них органические соединения, играющие важную роль в происхождении жизни. В частности, были обнаружены фундаментальные элементы, необходимые для синтеза белков и формирования ДНК.
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  • DOOM запустили на HDMI-переходнике Apple (видео)

    Среди энтузиастов со всего мира стало своеобразным состязанием запускать DOOM на любой электронике и не только. Оказывается, поиграть в культовый шутер можно даже на HDMI-переходнике Apple. Таким достижением поделилась девушка-программист под ником Nyan Satan.
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  • Совершён первый в истории видеозвонок через космос между обычными смартфонами

    Спутниковый провайдер AST SpaceMobile и оператор мобильной связи Vodafone из Великобритании сообщили об успешном выполнении видеозвонка между двумя немодифицированными смартфонами с использованием спутниковой связи. В 2023 году AST осуществила первый в истории звонок между обычными смартфонами через спутник, а также первый такой звонок че...
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  • Первый отрезок гигантского «лежачего небоскрёба» The Line в Саудовской Аравии построят к 2030 году (3 фото)

    На Всемирном экономическом форуме в Давосе стали известны новые подробности о мегапроекте Neom в Саудовской Аравии. В частности, появилась новая информация о строительстве города The Line («Линия») длиной 170 км и высотой 500 м. На форуме представитель проекта сообщил, что закладка фундамента для первой очереди «лежачего небоскрёба» начнё...
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Soundlazer Parametric Speaker Shoots Sound Like a Laser Beam (video)

5 апреля 2012 | Просмотров: 14 105 | audio Kickstarter
Soundlazer Parametric Speaker Shoots Sound Like a Laser Beam (video)

Ever wanted to listen to something without anyone around you hearing it? While you certainly could go with a pair of headphones, there’s something that just seems that much cooler about using a parametric speaker instead. Parametric speaker technology forces highly-directional sound from the front of its speaker elements, so you only hear the sound if you’re standing in a direct line with the speaker.

The ukulele's future is now with 'Futulele' iPhone, iPad app (video)

7 марта 2012 | Просмотров: 8 395 | apple Amidio Inc audio
The ukulele's future is now with 'Futulele' iPhone, iPad app (video)

Nothing quite says "check me out" to the ladies like riffing on a frickin' pink ukulele -- until now. For folks rocking both an iPhone and an iPad, Touch DJ app maker Amidio Inc., is releasing its latest magnum opus, the "Futulele." Ah, be still, your beating heart. This dual-device ukulele synthesizer connects the aforementioned iOS devices via Bluetooth, creating a virtual four-string strummer on which to throw down a soulful rendition of "Tiny Bubbles." Users get their groove on by touching the iPhone to select up to 12 chords per song and using the iPad to strum; chord sets also can be changed on the fly. Amidio says the app should drop sometime in April, and will be optimized for the iPad 3, to boot. Sure, a regular ukulele might be cheaper, but who are you to argue with the future? Speaking of the future, check it out in all its cheerful glory with the Futulele video posted after the break, as well as some not-so-futuristic PR.

Final Audio introduces a way to wear $8000 on your head (7 pics)

7 марта 2012 | Просмотров: 8 745 | hi-end audio Final Audio Design
Final Audio introduces a way to wear $8000 on your head (7 pics)

Headphones are one of the hottest categories in high-end audio, and Japan's Final Audio Design has now upped the ante by introducing headphones that cost as much as a decent used car. If you thought Monster Beats headphones were kind of expensive, then hold onto your wallet if you think these Final's Muramasa VIIIs would be cool to own. At $8000 a pair, you could have bought Beats for every player on your favorite NFL team, and still have change.

Grace Digital's Eco Terra boombox now available for $149.99, ready to rock the beaches (4 pics)

28 февраля 2012 | Просмотров: 8 653 | audio Grace Digital
Grace Digital's Eco Terra boombox now available for $149.99, ready to rock the beaches (4 pics)

We're not sure what took Grace Digital this long to release the Eco Terra, but hey, you can now grab one well ahead of the summer season. Priced at $149.99, this IPX7-certified boombox works just fine even when dunked in water -- the two 3-inch speakers will always float upwards to annoy fellow swimmers. There's no iPod dock connector here as the job's done using a 3.5mm jack inside the watertight compartment, but much like many iPhone headsets these days, you can use the buttons at the top to control music playback and volume on supported iPods or iPhones; whereas with other MP3 players you can only change the volume after flipping a switch.

If God is a DJ, these are his decks (video)

27 февраля 2012 | Просмотров: 6 878 | dj audio projection display
If God is a DJ, these are his decks (video)

Not getting the kind of attention you feel a DJ deserves? Then maybe it's because your decks are Plain Janes of spinning black nothingness when they could be so much more. You need projectors up there on the ceiling, creating light shows mapped to the rotation and beat of your records and simultaneously overlaying your software -- so you won't have to keep staring subserviently at a laptop. The next step? Using Wii controllers and motion capture for even stranger effects, plus whatever else your imagination conjures after seeing the video below. Soon this technology will be everywhere, from hospital radio DJs right down to that little pretender who does discos on the pier, so get in there quick to beat the curve.

Finally, a real air guitar that actually plays music (video)

24 февраля 2012 | Просмотров: 7 203 | audio
Finally, a real air guitar that actually plays music (video)

If you can't play an instrument but still want to rock 'n' roll, you can always become an expert air guitarist. The only problem is, air guitars don't exactly rock the house. Now there's a way to play an actual guitar using air, and you still don't need to know a single chord.

The Clippard Air Guitar uses a pile of pneumatic actuators to hold down chords while it picks, strums and otherwise abuses the poor strings. The whole thing is controlled by an iPad through some kind of MIDI controller, so you can just push a button and it's all systems go.

I wish I could tell you that the results make you sound like the new Jimi Hendrix, but to me it sounds more like my own pathetic attempts at playing the ol' guit-box. Listen in the video as it clunks and clacks its way through a very mechanical take on Pachelbel's Canon.
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